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Bear Town London – Located near Wembley NW9

Toddler Time

by | Aug 8, 2024

Join us with your toddler (1-4 years) for a two-hour play session at Bear Town.

These sessions are exclusively for children aged 4 and under to enjoy. Ticket are just £9.95 and include a complimentary regular hot drink for the grown-up and unlimited squash for the toddler. Additional Toddlers are just £7.95 and Additional Adults are £4.00 including a regular hot drink.


Everything you need to know about gentle parenting

Everything you need to know about gentle parenting

In the ever-evolving landscape of parenting, a refreshing breeze has swept in, carrying with it the concept of gentle parenting. If you’re intrigued by this novel approach but find yourself unsure about its ins and outs, you’re not alone.

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The 4 Month Sleep Regression

The 4 Month Sleep Regression

As babies hit the 4-month mark, their sleep patterns can suddenly shift, causing challenges like shorter naps, resistance to sleep, and frequent night waking. In this blog Tori Drew, founder of This Parent Can, offers guidance to help your little one navigate this phase.

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Helping children communicate through photography

Helping children communicate through photography

Hi, I’m Lucy and I’m owner of Little Lens – Baby Photography. I have a small studio situated next to my home near Exeter and I specialise in newborn, older baby, children & family photography. I am passionate about my genre for many reasons, one of which is the way photographs remind us of people, places, feelings and gives us all a sense of identity and belonging in a family unit.

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Bear Town London
Open October 2024

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